
Tears Of An Angel - Ryandan

Cover my eyes
Cover my ears
Tell me these words are a lie
It cant be true
That I'm losing you
The sun cannot fall from the sky
Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel
Tears of aaaaaaaa...
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel.
Stop every clock
Stars are in shock
The river would run to the sea
I wont let you fly
I wont say goodbye
I wont let you slip away from me
Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel
Tears of aaaaaaaa...
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel.
So hold on
Be strong
Everyday hope will grow
I'm here, dont you fear
Little one dont let go
Dont let go
Dont let go
Cover my eyes
Cover my ears
Tell me these words are a lie


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