

We were sitting together
Forever and ever
We were happy, so what went wrong?
I can wait all night long
To hear you explain
Don't come with a excuse that is so lame
I don't wanna here it in a couple of days, months or years
I don't wanna here of your fears
Not anymore

I had a dream
I wake up and scream
I don't want it this way
Can you please come and say
The three magics words
Or tell that you don't feel the same
Just let me get out of this lonlyness

My last breath I want with you
Can you say I can it do
My last minutes of my life, guess who gets them?
You, and no one else
You can just say no, and save yourself
I will be happy för you then
But sad inside, but you will never now that

I had a dream
I wake up and scream
I don't want it this way
Can you please come and say
The three magics words
Or tell that you don't feel the same
Just let me get out of this lonlyness


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