
2010-01-02 @ 17:06:34Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (1) Trackbacks ()
The Moon is high upon the sky
Lighting up the Darkness that lurks in every corner
Telling the Truth apart from a lie
Showing us the way
The Path that we are destined to take


Days pass
Each day harder than the other
Slipping away from reality
Trying to make our own decisions
Rules trying to break our own will
Unit the unbeliveble
Crying for our love ones
Treasuring our memories
Importan choices to be made
On our young shoulders
No one can survive without the other

The Unknown

2009-12-18 @ 20:00:22Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (0) Trackbacks ()

I thought you understood. That's what you told me. That you understood the pain, the suffering. You healed me but when you left, you left with me with a bigger whole than the last one. I thought I couldn't endure more pain, but I was wrong. It feels empty, but the pain remains. I thought it would disappear when time passed, but it only seems to grow stronger. Sometimes it feels like someones suffocating me. And it's like I've lost myself. I can't don't even now which day it is anymore. I don't like to feel like my control is slipping. It tears me apart even more than before, if that's even possible.
Each time I look outside it feels like someones watching me, and everytime I hope it's you. But everytime I get disappointed and my heart is ripped away from my body. Sometimes I can almost see it, lying on the floor, pulsing, getting weaker and weaker until it's still, and then I know that you won't ever come back. But than it happens all over again, a tiny bit of hope sparks in me, my stomachs flutters in excitment, only to get even more pain. Each day the pain increases and all I can do is to watch myself slip away, becoming nothing. Like thin air. I can barely eat anymore and my skin has a ghost white color to it. It's like I'm a walking dead person, and to be honest, it scares the hell out of me. If only I could find the strenght to fight this, to have something to fight for. I've almost lost everything I loved and sometimes I keep wondering if someone would care if I wouldn't be around anymore. It feels like I could fade into nothing and no one would care. And that hurts me. Like someones stabbing a knife in me, over and over again.
And in the nights... The nightmares that hunts me. I can see you leaving me if it was happening that moment. The moments I push away in daylight hunts me at night. The ear pearcing screams that fills the night keeps me sleepless for days. And when I finally sleep again, those memories keeps coming back, mocking me for the one great thing I ever had. I always knew he was to good for me but I still hoped he wouldn't notice that. I know, it's really selfish but I couldn't help myself and I feel the guilt grabbing me everyday for keeping him away from happiness for such a long time. I don't know how long I have left, but in the state I'm in righ know, it's a matter of time before I close my eyes for the last time. I keep waiting for the blackness to embrace me but it never happens. Sometimes I wonder what I've done to deserv this. I've tried to live a good life, always being nice, but I must have done something wrong, 'cause I don't think anyone deserves this kind of pain. And I hope everyday for the unknown come and whisk me away.

Hade inget att göra så jag skrev det här och jag har faktiskt ingen aning om vad det ska handla om. Kanske kan jag använda den till någon av mina böcker :)

Different from heart to soul

2009-12-11 @ 18:06:16Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (1) Trackbacks ()

The Opposite to each other
Different believes
Meets in the dark
Were everything changes

Reality and dreams

2009-12-11 @ 17:39:03Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (0) Trackbacks ()
Hiding from reality
Living for the dreams
Kissing you
Feathery kisses
That marks me for life
Why can't it be true?

Red roses

2009-12-08 @ 22:47:02Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (1) Trackbacks ()
Red roses
Covered in blood
Dripping down

Death is coming
Tearing us apart

These tears I cry for you

2009-12-01 @ 15:40:39Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (0) Trackbacks ()

Oskyldiga barn
Inga tårar
Älskad och omhändertagen
Oskyldiga barn
Inte en ända tår fälld
För förlust av liv eller kärlek
Inte en ända tår fälld
För förlusten av en familj
Lycklig för ögonblicket
Vet inte om smärtan
Våra hopp ligger på de oskyldiga barnen
För att de aldrig ska känna smärta,
fälla en tår över någon
Till de oskyldiga barnen
Ger vi allt


Gömmer mig bakom leenden och skratt
Låtsas vara glad och lycklig
Men bakom förseglade dörrar
Gråter jag ut min själ
Och låter verkligheten krascha ner


Ögon fyllda med värme
Leenden av lycka
Din vackra själ
Förnekande underbar
Ett hjärta av guld
Du skyddar mig
Likt en ängel vakar du över mig
Hjälper mig att sprida mina vingar
Hjälper mig att finna lyckan, friheten


Stjärnglans i dina ögon
Skratt som musik
Mina ögon fastnar
Hypnotiserad och bländad
Jag ser dig framför mig
Men långt inom mig
Vet jag att du ej finns
För om jag stänger mina ögon
Kan jag känna vinden i mitt hår
Blåser bort det sista av dig
Men jag vet att du existerar
Inuti mig, i mitt hjärta
Där du för alltid kommer ha den största delen av mig

Angel wings

2009-11-26 @ 13:31:57Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (1) Trackbacks ()
Eyes filled with warmth
Smiles of joy
Beautiful soul
Denying beauty
Heart of gold
Your arms around me
Protecting my fragile soul
Like a Angel you watch over me
Helping me spread my wings
And feel free

Behind these four walls I let everything break

2009-11-26 @ 11:44:58Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (0) Trackbacks ()
Hiding behind smiles and laughes
Acting happy and gleefully
But once behind sealed doors
I weep my eyes out
Letting reality crash down

Falling from the highest top, not finding my way down

2009-11-23 @ 19:54:57Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (0) Trackbacks ()
Dark and Light
Day and Night
Together they're strong
The powers within them will last for long


Streaks across my skin
Pouring out the pain within
Snakes ringling in me
I wish I could be free
Free from the world
Free from the misery


2009-11-16 @ 18:14:53Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (2) Trackbacks ()
Ett skott är allt som behövs
Ett skott
Sen är det slut
Slut på tårar
Slut på lidande
Slut på livet
Äntligen fri


Innocent child
No fears, no lies
Innocent child
No tears, no cries
Sweet innocent
Loving and cared
Innocent child
Not a single tear shed
On the loss of a life, a love, a mind
Not a single tear shed
On the loss of family
The innocent child
Happy for the moment
Not knowing the pain, the cries
We all hope for the innocent child
To never feel hurt, to cry over someone
For the innocent child
We give everything


There is something called time
It's supposed to heal
Even the impossible
It's supposed to tell us that time goes, coming closer to the uninvitebal
But my time stopped years ago
I have no idea what day, month or year it is
I'm standing still, while everyone else is moving on
There's nothing left here for me, but still...
I'm not able to leave.


I shed my tears
I let them fall
I cried I feared
They would never stop.


Thoughts of my mind
Words from my heart
Whispers from the trees
Tears from the rain
Hands of an human
Touches from the wind


A whisper
Barely heard
A touch
Shivering body
A kiss
Longing for more
A heart
Is now always yours


2009-10-30 @ 12:28:58Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (1) Trackbacks ()
Thoughts of my mind
Words from my heart
Whispers from the trees
Tears from the rain
Hands of an human
Touches from the wind.

It's like stabbing a knife through your heart
All emotions gone, your heart and soul
Cold as ice
Fighting for the good, fighting to keep living
No one understans, no one can see
The suffering

Is it what it's supposed to be?

2009-10-29 @ 09:57:47Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (0) Trackbacks ()
Love is supposed to be something beautiful
But why is that, that every time you open your heart
Someone breaks it, bring you down
How are you ever supposed to love someone,
when all you ever get from it is pain, tears and suffering

Weakness isn't a bad thing

2009-10-15 @ 17:36:07Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (3) Trackbacks ()
It's said that tears are weakness
That crumbling is weakness
It's said that emotions is useless
That loving is in the way
For sucess
I would say
That it's a lie
Because all that
Only can make you stronger

Don't leave me hanging

2009-10-15 @ 17:31:43Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (0) Trackbacks ()
Du gick din väg
Och jag stannade kvar
För din skull
Tiden efter dig
Ville tårarna ej försvinna
Tiden efter dig
Existerade inte
Den försvann
Och jag satt kvar
Ensam och svag

Death can be peaceful, it removes all the pain you ever felt

2009-10-15 @ 17:27:25Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (0) Trackbacks ()
När du dör, finns det någon som minns?
När alla du någonsin känt dör,
då är det som om du aldrig funnits,
och allt du gjort kommer att glömmas.
Varför då ens orka gå vidare, och leva,
när man vet,
att allt man gör, kommer att gå i glömska.

Lorsque vous mourrez, il ya quelqu'un qui se souvient? Quand tout ce que vous ne sut jamais mourir, alors c'est comme si vous n'aviez jamais existé, et tout ce que vous avez fait restera dans les mémoires. Pourquoi même les ouragans se déplacent et vivent, quand vous savez que tout ce que vous faites, ira dans l'oubli.

Wenn du stirbst, da ist jemand, der sich erinnert? Wenn alles, was Sie je gekannt zu sterben, dann ist es, als ob Sie nie existiert hat, und alles, was Sie tun werden, vergessen wird. Warum auch Wirbelstürme bewegen und leben, wenn man weiß, dass alles, was Sie tun, in Vergessenheit gehen wird.

Quando si muore, c'è qualcuno che si ricorda? Quando tutti si seppe mai morire, allora è come se non avete mai esistito, e tutto quello che fai sarà dimenticato. Perché anche gli uragani circolare e di vivere, quando si sa che tutto quello che fai, andrà nel dimenticatoio.

Eftersom att jag älskar olika språk, så har jag skrivit översta texten på franska, tyska och italienska, men sen har jag ingen aning om det är rätt, eftersom att jag använde GT ;)

Le temps va et vient, et nous ne pouvons rien faire pour l'arrêter.

2009-10-15 @ 17:20:05Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (0) Trackbacks ()

Slutet är nära
Klockan tickar
I takt med mitt hjärta
Jag hör hur ljuden försvinner
Hjärtat slutar slå
När tiden runnit ut

Havets brus, livets ljus

2009-10-14 @ 14:22:52Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (3) Trackbacks ()

Ett stort hål i mina lungor
Stjäl luften jag andas in
Jag trodde jag föralltid var din
Mitt hjärta slog för dig, som musiken i takt med trummor

Ditt svek förlät jag
Dina ord sårade,men dem betydde inget
Men jag borde ha sett
Att du skulle lämna mig en dag

Ensam står jag kvar
Tittar ut över havets brus
Undrar om det finns något ljus
Eller om jag bara stjäl och tar

We both go down together

2009-10-10 @ 16:28:32Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (2) Trackbacks ()

Here on these cliffs of Dover
So high you can't see over
And while your head is spinning
Hold tight, it's just beginning

You come from parents wanton
A childhood rough and rotten
I come from wealth and beauty
Untouched by work or duty

And oh, my love, my love
And oh, my love, my love
We both go down together

I found you, a tattooed tramp
A dirty daugher from the labour cans
I laid you down on the grass of a clearing
You wept but your soul was willing

And oh, my love, my love
And oh, my love, my love
We both go down together

And my parents will never consent to this love
But I hold your hand

Meet me on my vast veranda
My sweet, untouched Miranda
And while the seagulls are crying
We fall but our souls are flying

And oh, my love, my love
And oh, my love, my love
And oh, my love, oh my love
And oh, my love, my love
We both go down together

Back in time

2009-10-09 @ 16:45:58Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (2) Trackbacks ()
Stop the time
Let me go back
Back to your arms
Holding me tight
Back to the time
Where we could be togheter
No matter what


2009-10-06 @ 15:33:36Permalink Poems/Songs Skriv av dig! (0) Trackbacks ()
I didn't know how it would end
I didn't know you wouldn't be there
I didn't know that it would hurt me
I didn't know I would fall for you
I didn't know, and now it's to late
To change it

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